Facilitator Training
Become trained to facilitate The Tipping Point Change Management Workshop, and use the materials including the computer based Change Simulation in your own Organisation or Consultancy.
Time For Change offers certification training for Leaders, Change Management professionals or Learning professionals who would like to include the Tipping Point materials within their own programmes. Once trained you will be approved to use all of the materials, including the simulation with your own internal or external clients.

The Training
Tipping Point Facilitator Certification Training can be delivered to you virtually or face-to-face to suit your requirements. The training can also be run individually, on a 1:1 basis, or within small groups of up to six facilitators.
The training covers the background and underpinning principles to the Tipping Point model as well as practical ‘train the trainer modules’ covering all of the training materials and the use of the simulation online, and when running programmes ‘in person’.
During the training you will be shown how to capitalise on the gamification provided by the simulation to ensure participants are engaged and have fun while also acquiring deep learning about the powerful Tipping Point mental model. Facilitator Training also includes provision of the following materials:
- 91 page Facilitator Guide
- 50+ Professional PowerPoint slide deck
- Accreditation to purchase licenses to access the Change Simulation
- 49 page Participant Workbook
- Copies of the Andrea Shapiro’s original texts “Creating Contagious Commitment” and “Contagious Commitment at Work”
Make the Workshop Your Own
When certified to deliver the workshop you will have the practical tools to help your organisation (or your client organisations) implement change successfully.
You will be free to incorporate the different elements of the programme was you wish within your own programme or programmes. The slide deck is customisable and can be edited to add or remove slides to suit your organisation or preferred training style.
If required, Time For Change can provide advice on the best way of splitting the workshop across different sessions, running the programme online, or tailoring workshops to specific audiences. The Facilitator Guide and Participant Workbooks are available as professionally printed books and as ‘fillable pdfs’.

Who Should Attend
This is a Change Management Train the Trainer programme. Anyone implementing an organisational change should attend the workshop to augment their own understanding and develop the ability to support others in supporting change.
Coupling the Tipping Point Workshop with your work will provide you with a competitive edge. It shows that you understand that implementing change is about people shifting their attitudes and embracing new ways of working, not just about new processes, new software, or new hardware. You’ll be able to save weeks or months of frustration by recognizing the critical success factors early in any change process.
The Facilitator Training has been designed to support:
- Organisational Development and Human Resource professionals who want to increase the impact of their change management training.
- Internal and external consultants who want to increase their ability to help clients to facilitate change.
- Change managers and Operations managers whose roles include putting change into practice.
- Project managers who need to understand effective change implementation.
- Employers, business owners, and executives who want to accomplish significant change in their organizations.

How Certification Will Help You
The Tipping Point is effective because it gets people involved. It’s fun! The simulation is engaging, and the competition built into the workshop adds a dimension that increases people’s involvement. While devising strategies to beat the other teams, participants discuss their ideas and hidden assumptions about organizational change.
Once people are involved and thinking about change strategies, they can then have a more serious discussion on organizational change. This helps teams form and apply effective change strategies to their own change initiatives. Add this great learning tool, based on powerful and proven action learning and gamification principles, to your Change Management Training tool kit.
Contact Us to learn more, or to arrange (or register for a place on) a Tipping Point Facilitator Training Programme so you can add the brilliant Tipping Point Workshop to your toolkit.
The training can be delivered to you virtually or face-to-face, whatever works best for you.