Welcome to the home of the Tipping Point suite of Change Management training materials
The Tipping Point offers the best Change Management training available anywhere. Whether you are looking to arrange an externally facilitated workshop, or you are looking to become trained to run workshops inhouse we can help.
Drawing on extensive research and 25+ years practical experience the Tipping Point materials are built on solid theory. The Workshop itself provides a thorough, engaging and practical way of learning about the way change happens in organisations, and how change can be most effectively led.
If you are faced with leading change yourself, or supporting others in learning about leading change the Tipping Point Workshop is for you. The Workshop applies gamification and action learning, featuring the ingenious Tipping Point Change Management Simulation. This is a computer based change simulation designed to help people learn about change through play and experience within a safe and supportive environment.
Recently revised and updated, the Tipping Point 2.0 materials include the following key features:
Face to face/Virtual
Specifically designed for use within face to face and virtual workshops (e.g. via MS Teams, Zoom, etc)
Inhouse/External Workshop Support
Comprehensive training support is available to deliver the workshop directly, or provide facilitator training
Updated Simulation
Brand new user interface to the Tipping Point Simulation supporting increased interaction and ease of use
Updated Training Materials
Revised and updated supporting materials for participants and facilitators, including new slides and workbooks
Strategic Partnerships